“It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.”
—Mark Twain, probably
Storytelling is an ancient tool that human beings have used since we figured out how to paint on cave walls. Now we create Pixar movies, or narrative video games that tell a story better than a book or a film might. Our storytelling has evolved, but our need for it, and why we do it and what we get out of it hasn’t.
That is the constant thing about humans, we tell tales. Often we do so to make sense of the world, as Mr. Twain supposedly quipped.
In every culture, in every era, story abounds. And examining that, and examining our own stories (fictional, personal, and metaphysical) we can learn about ourselves, each other, and the world.
And I’m here to show you how I see life through a story lens, and how you can too. We’ll be going on an adventure together, learning to see in new ways, looking for new colors and new patterns our story lens is showing us.
Hopefully you find it interesting. I’m glad you’re along for the journey.